Monday, October 17, 2011


After drowning my first sunflower i got a new one and put about a third of the water and it  actually started to grow.
Even though my room doesn't get a lot of direct sunlight my plant actually started to grow. In addition to putting in less water I also started watering it about once every three days.
Here the flower starts to grow leaves. If you look beside my thumb you can actually see one of the drowned sunflower seeds. On it(if you can see it) there is mold that is growing it could be potentially dangerous to the new plant but that is yet to be determined.
Here the stem of the plant is starting to get long to the point that i need to find something to hold up the plant or it will bend and die.
This is the latest picture the leaves of the plant are starting to get bigger and the stem is getting longer. Here you can really see the moldy seed just under the plant.

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